Skibidi Saga Wiki
Skibidi Saga Wiki


The TV Men is a race of prognostic species in the Skibidi Saga, they are enemies of the Skibidi Toilets and by technically Cassettemen as one ordered a Speakerman to kill one but some aren't. Their most useful abilities are teleportation & TV Hypnosis as they can easily get from place to place and overpower Skibidi Toilets with them, they are responsible for the Alliance learning what Humans looked like as one was used to display footage.

They also have the most advanced technology, being able to shut down and disable their own titan with just a button.


The TV Men typically appear as robotic humanoids wearing black clothing with black gloves & shoes with a TV Head of some sort, they can also display many types of lights and emoticons on their TV Screen, behavior may differ from TV to TV as some are neutral like whilst others are aggressive.


They typically communicate via TV Screen Emoticons, Gestures, and Reversed Speech, although Some can speak in regular speech (with the power of Cassettemen).

