Skibidi Saga Wiki
Skibidi Saga Wiki

The Skibalimites are an alien race that resembles household toilets, known to be far larger in scope and power compared to Skibidi Toilets.

The Skibalimites are known to be one of the most dangerous species in the galaxy and have according to the G-Toilet tore through planets to accumulate organisms to incorporate into their "society". In other words, they are a malevolent empire and are most likely the reason for the creation and spread of the Skibidi Toilet virus. Their empire according to Episode 11's description is called the Astro Toilet Empire.

Originally, they allied with the Skibidi Toilets in the conquest of the Earth as well as to defeat the Alliance, but complications rose after the disinfection of the Titan Speakerman as well as the personal motives of the G-Toilet and of his own battalion\legion. They soon cut their ties with the Skibidi Toilets and became hostile towards them.

Their current goals now are to execute their former Commander now exiled Rebel, the G-Toilet for treason and to terminate all members of the Alliance and the G-Toilet's legion of Skibidi Toilets to eventually invade and take over the Earth.


Like Skibidi Toilets, they appear as Toilets with a Human head sticking out of them, and like Skibidi Toilets, they can come in different sizes and have different more futuristic weaponry, their personalities likely vary from Skibalimite to Skibalimite.

A Skibalimite can be identified if these follow these characteristics:

  • Natural levitation (But also possible that it's not natural, and it comes from the static warp levitator)
  • A helmet with stripes around it, possibly showing the member's rank (the more stripes, the higher the authority)
  • Red eyes
  • Warping or traveling extremely fast with their technology

They also seem to each have individual names with it bordering more on the futuristic and alien-like.

They can speak the Skibidi Toilet language and can speak English (and most likely all earthly languages).

Current Members[]

  • Skibaleus (known, but yet to debut)
  • Skibalimite Engineers (known, but yet to officially debut)

Former Members[]


Pre-Skibidi Saga[]

The Skibalimites, also known as the Astro Toilet Empire, are known to be one of the most dangerous species in the galaxy and have conquered worlds to incorporate several organisms into their "society". They are practically an empire of interstellar conquerors. At some point, a high-ranking Commander known as the G-Toilet was exiled for having rebellious intentions due to him disapproving the actions of the Skibalimites.

Eventually the Skibalimites arrived on Earth where for unknown reasons decided to ally with the G-Toilet's legion of Skibidi Toilets to conquer the Earth and defeat the Alliance, where they participated in a Battle for New York City against the Titan Cameraman where they sent a Giant Trooper which was defeated by the said titan, afterwards a small skirmished occurred when a high ranking Skibalimite Commander known as Dolonos killed a Large Speakerman and faced off against Plungerman (as seen in a flashback, confirming it as canon) before being chased away by the Titan Cameraman.

In Dubai, Dolonos managed to initiate a cunning plan to distract the Titan Cameraman from defending the Disinfection Squad's Parasitic Disabler Laser Tank meant to disinfect the then Infected Titan Speakerman leading to it being destroyed by the Skull Dismantler Skibidi Toilet. However, the Titan Speakerman would still be disinfected despite all efforts.

Because of the failure in Dubai, the Skibalimites decided to turn their focus to execute their former Commander, the G-Toilet. Which they did in an abandoned airport, sending in Dolonos and another Skibalimite known as Triphenius to initiate the assassination (However, the G-Toilet they attempted to assassinate was a decoy) which was then prevented by the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet and his newly created Mech, destroying one of Triphenius's detaining claws in the process, the 2 Skibalimites then retreated and therefore they became hostile to any and all members of the G-Toilet's Legion of Skibidi Toilets along with any members of the Alliance.

Skibidi Saga[]


The Skibalimites would make their return (and debut in Skibidi Saga) in 02 - Arrival, where Dolonos, a repaired Triphenius and an unamed Cyborg Skibalimite distracts and attacks the Titan TV Man, following the death of the G-Toilet (for now), suspension on the raid on Alpha-Hill Labs and the hunt for the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet. Triphenius and the Cyborg Skibalimite battle against Titan TV Man whilst Dolonos harrasses and destroys a Camera Helicopter containing Cameramen and then focuses his attention on the Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet who escapes before Dolonos could execute him. Triphenius and the Cyborg Skibalimite would continue to attack Titan TV Man before having to retreat due to the titan using its purple screen to try to keep them in place to catch them.


Dolonos would make a minor appearance in 04 - Persuasion, where in a flashback involving the standoff between him and Plungerman back in New York. Camerawoman would describe him as a "flying saucer that appeared out of nowhere".


The Skibalimites would appear again in the secret scene of Season 2 following the events of 08 - Mayhem, where Dolonos and Triphenius would surprise and destroy a monitoring Camera Helicopter with at least 3 Cameramen. Dolonos would then order to Triphenius to initiate the attack on the now revived titan G-Toilet in order to weaken him and to bring him to Skibaleus so that he may face that their Commander may face the consequences, Dolonos would also add they will deal with the Titan TV Man later referring to him as a "thing."

In this secret scene we also officially learn and know of Dolonos's name and that Skibalimites have individual names.


Triphenius would appear in 11 - Rebellion where he would destroy the DJ Skibidi Toilet's Mech and calling on him to "leave this planet, traitor", he would then throw him aside but would then be knock over by the G-Toilet who saved the DJ Skibidi Toilet. Triphenius would then be shocked to learn that the G-Toilet has been turned into a titan and robotically enhanced then would then talk for a bit before initiating the battle where the G-Toilet would secret have Jetpack Bomber Skibidi Toilets implant acidic traps begin Triphenius to distract and irritate him, whilst Triphenius is distracted the G-Toilet tells the DJ Skibidi Toilet to leave and thereby levitates away, he then claims that if his legion cannot defeat their empire, he will do so himself, starting with Triphenius. The battle would start between them, and both would manage to damage and overpower each other but the G-Toilet due to his robotic enhancements would be unaffected by Triphenius's attacks, only sustaining damage to his face and losing only 2 laser cannons to Triphenius. Triphenius on the other hand would be overpowered by the G-Toilet, he practically was bleeding excessively as he would be put down and punched multiple times by the G-Toilet. He was at the mercy of the G-Toilet as he ripped out one of his detainer arms and proceeded to try to stab him whilst Triphenius used his remaining detainer arms to resist being killed.

G-Toilet would then retreat from killing Triphenius after hearing the words of Titan TV Man coming to jump him along with Titan Cassetteman but instead of hitting the G-Toilet, they unintentionally hit Triphenius leaving him in a worse state than before with him only having a single detaining arm and losing a small piece of his head. Titan TV Man would then have Titan Cassetteman fight the G-Toilet whilst he deals with "whatever the hell this thing is" that being Triphenius. Out of desperation, Triphenius would use his laser eyes against the titan which proved to be ineffective, Triphenius would then be put down by the Titan TV Man in a single slice.

G-Toilet would finally explain at least the basic context of who the Skibalimites are, the deal with the Astro Toilet Empire, and why he came to Earth to both Titan TV Man and Titan Cassetteman, the latter of whom seemed open to a potential alliance, at first Titan TV Man didn't want to even listen to him but a new threat would arrive that being Jauvanaux, an appointed Guardian who told the 3 titans "BACK AWAY, WEAKLINGS!!" but then realizes he was too late to save Triphenius, whilst being in a state of grief, confusion and shock the G-Toilet proceeded to insult and mentally attack Jauvanaux with harsh wording in which he responded with "SILENCE" and proceeded to launch an EMP Shock whilst retreating with Triphenius's dead body.

We then see as Jauvanaux returns to Dolonos with the deceased body of Triphenius. Dolonos proceeded to use his photon laser's gravity mode to examine the dead body of Triphenius, Dolonos visibly is annoyed and angry but continues to keep his composure and reminding Jauvanaux that he had one job. Jauvanaux then says that he wants to complete and avenge Triphenius and seeing this, Dolonos reminds Jauvanaux that he is a guardian, he is supposed to protect their troops not put himself in danger, but Jauvanaux insists. Dolonos realizes that Jauvanaux's vengeance could be a potentially be good weapon and to resurrect Triphenius would be too costly anyways. Dolonos then calls upon Zabertron and tells him that they will warp to the point of conflict and that if Zabertron kills every puny grunt in the area he will take Jauvanaux's role as guardian. Zabertron is static and proceeds to warp as Dolonos tells him to get moving. Dolonos then contacts the engineers, that Jauvanaux will be put into maintenance and that he will provide further details, he then tells Jauvanaux that he will take Triphenius' role.


It is unknown who the overall leader of the Skibalimites and of the whole Astro Toilet Empire is but one could say it could be the aforementioned Skibaleus that Dolonos and G-Toilet have mentioned several times.

Presumable Hierarchy[]

The number of stripes on the helmet represent the higher the rank is of the Skibalimite. This could show that there are several different stages of the hierarchy, starting with troop, to commander. Here are the categories of the Hierarchy.

  • 0 Stripes: (Troops): Although we never seen any troop Skibalimites due to the stripes on the helmet, we can presume that troops have no stripes and just have a helmet. Similar to Obliterator Astro Toilet and Troop Astro Toilet in the original series.
  • 1 Stripe: (Cadets or Initiates): None seen so far, but these are probably seen in the future.
  • 3 Stripes: (Elite): Skibalimites of this rank have 3 stripes on their helmets, and are considered elite, due to their high arsenal of weapons and intelligence, able to strike opponents in fear. These Skibalimites include, Triphenius, Jauvanaux; Zabertron.
  • 5 Stripes: (Commanders): Skibalimites of this rank are the most powerful in power and have superior authority than other troops. They are the commanders of the Skibalimites and commands the troops to do what the commanders desire. These means they are the ones planning the battle strategies and consist of higher intellect. These include: Cyborg Skibalimite, Dolonos.

Presumable Members[]


  • Since Jauvanaux took the body of Triphenius with him, similar to the G-Toilet, Triphenius might be revived in a similar way, and we might see him again.
  • We might see more Skibalimites as the Alliance and the G-Toilet's Legion of Skibidi Toilet might join forces with one another (providing no further complication, which is very unlikely as Titan Speakerman and several members of the Alliance would most likely disapprove such as Plungerman, Dark Speakerman, Polycephaly, etc but would most likely not have a choice) in order to fight against the Astro Toilet Empire's invasion fleet.
  • Skibaleus might potentially be the name of the Mothership Astro Toilet of the original series.
  • In the early parts of Skibidi Saga, only 3 Stripes and 5 Stripes Skibalimites appear, presumably being more aware of the battlefield, or some reason commanded by the commanders.
  • Considering that they are an Empire, they may not only have a hierarchical military but potentially a royal family.
    • Of which the Astro Duchess would certainly fit the bill.
  • G-Toilet stated that Skibalimites accumulate organisms to incorporate into their society which may mean that they are most likely the origin points of the Skibidi Toilet virus.
    • This may also mean that there might be more worlds and more interstellar species in the wider Skibidi Saga world which may mean we might see Skibalimites whose appearances are not exactly human-like.
      • This might also mean that we may potentially visit other worldly locations and other planets turned Skibalimite colonies.


  • According to Episode 11, the Sklbalimites are also known as the Astro Toilet Empire.
    • They are simply known as Astro Toilets in the Original Series
  • Each Skibalimite have individual names such as Dolonos, Triphenius, and Jauvanaux
    • It is unknown if the G-Toilet has such a name, but he most likely does.
    • This may only be exclusive to unique members of the Skibalimites.
  • The Cyborg Skibalimite is the only one so far to not have a name.
    • However, it changed when in episode 12 appeared whole fleet of them.
  • Triphenius is the first and only Skibalimite so far to have been killed (unless you count the G-Toilet's first death).
  • The G-Toilet was a former Skibalimite was a high ranking, Commander.
  • Authority of Skibalimites is dictated by the stripes on one's helmet.


Skibalimite list

Skibalimite Navigation
(Astro Hierarchy for reference)

(Note: Toilet names may repeat below)

Titan Skibalimite None
U.F.O. Skibalimite DolonosCyborg SkibalimiteTripheniusJauvanauxZabertron
Weapons Rocket LauncherEMP Shockwave CannonDetaining ClawsPhoton Cannon
Protection ShieldStatic Warp LevitatorSunglassesGas MaskHelmet
Hide List
