Revenge (or Episode 1) is the second episode of The Skibidi Saga. It takes place after Titan Cameraman's death in Initiation. Titan TV Man sends him to the alliance's base, while Scientist Toilet attempts to escape the place after the destruction of his mech.
- Upgraded Titan TV Man
- Upgraded Titan Cameraman
- Upgraded Titan Speakerman
- Plungerman
- Lucky Cameraman
- Normal Cameramen x2
- Engineer Cameraman x6
- Camera Drone x1
- Polycephaly
- Dark Speakerman
- Welder Speaker Helicopter x2
Skibidi Toilets:[]
Chief Scientist Skibidi Toilet
The episode starts with the Titan Cameraman, injured and lifeless, lying on the ground with his core unlit. Titan TVman kneels down and tries to transfer energy from his own core to the Titan Cameraman's, but it is unsuccessful. Frustrated, Titan TVman shouts "Damn it!" while Titan Speakerman expresses his sorrow through his speakers.
Titan TVman instructs Titan Speakerman to come closer to him, and once Titan Speakerman complies, Titan TVman, along with Titan Cameraman and Titan Speakerman, teleports away from the location to the camera base.
After the three teleported away, the Scientist came out from its hiding spot looking angry. He pressed a red button on a remote he was holding, which opened a metal gate to the Alpha-Hills Complex. Flying over, he was trying to get into the Alpha-Hills Laboratory when he was interrupted by Plungerman, who kicked him mid-air, causing the Scientist to fall.
The Scientist uses the laser mounted on his back to attack Plungerman, but Plungerman easily dodges the laser. Plungerman then proceeds to punch the Scientist multiple times. The camera then changes to Lucky Cameraman, who is trying to enter the Alpha-Hills Complex through a metal gate but is halted by the Secret Agent, who tells him to enter later.
The camera switches back to the fight between the Scientist and the Plungerman, revealing that the Plungerman is currently winning. However, as the Plungerman tries to punch the Scientist, we witness the Scientist retrieve a rocket launcher from his back. He then proceeds to shoot a rocket at the Plungerman, successfully hitting him. We then can see the Plungerman being launched backwards with a cracked screen.
The scientist grins as he holds Plungerman by the neck, charging up his laser. However, the scientist is interrupted by two large cameramen and the Large TVman, who insults him by saying "Bald ass". The Large TVman then takes out four TVs hidden behind his back and uses his blinding screen to blind the scientist. The scientist covers his eyes and releases his grip on Plungerman.
We then see Dark Speakerman flying over to the Scientist and using his knife to stab one of the Scientist's claws. In retaliation, the Scientist attempts to stab Dark Speakerman with his other claw. The Scientist then flies away as Dark Speakerman hurls a knife at him. However, the knife only hits the scientist's jetpack, resulting in no harm.
The camera switches again, bringing us to the laboratory where we see a camera drone and four engineers hurrying to repair Titan Cameraman. Shortly after, another camera drone and an additional engineer enter the scene. Titan TVman teleports himself and Titan Speakerman back to their original location. Plungerman points to where the Scientist fleed, gesturing that the two titans should find and kill the scientist.
Following this, two Welder Speaker Helicopters arrive, each equipped with a blaster. They proceed to fly over to Titan Speakerman and weld the blasters onto his forearm. We then see Titan TVman teleport away, and Titan Speakerman flying away off to find the scientist. The video ends here.